What To Remember When You Have A Cut

Posted on: 18 July 2016

Lacerations, or cuts, happen all the time. Whether it's a tiny paper cut or a cut from a knife while chopping vegetables – they happen frequently. Since they are so common people often think about them as a minor problem. No, a cut isn't a life threatening emergency, but it can spiral into a more serious concern if it is not cared for correctly. Make sure you know how to properly care for your cut as well as how to monitor the healing process. [Read More]

Should You Run To The Gym If You'Re Feeling Run Down?

Posted on: 4 July 2016

You finally got into your groove of a regular fitness routine, and you love it. You find the post-workout endorphin high invigorating and you can't pass a mirror without admiring the results of your devoted efforts. This can lead to discouragement when the day comes that you feel just a touch under the weather. Everyone gets sick or run down on occasion, and you are not alone in being reluctant to break your workout routine. [Read More]

Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy | A Closer Look For Moms-To-Be

Posted on: 21 June 2016

A swollen midsection, aching back, and general pains that come along with housing a growing baby can make pregnancy one of the most uncomfortable experiences you ever have as a woman. If you have always counted on a chiropractor to help you out when you have general musculoskeletal issues, you may be thinking that nine months is far too long to do without a visit --especially at a time when you feel like you need it the worst. [Read More]

4 Tips For A Smooth C-Section Recovery

Posted on: 3 June 2016

Bringing a new baby into the world is a very exciting event, but it can also be physically trying. If a woman requires a Cesarean section (C-section) to deliver her child, she may experience a longer postpartum recovery period compared to a vaginal birth. A C-section is major abdominal surgery, but there are several things that a woman can do to help ensure a smooth recovery. If you will need a C-section in the near future, use the following tips: [Read More]