Why Using An Electric Wheelchair Has Advantages Over Staying With A Manual Model

Posted on: 10 October 2017

If you need to spend several hours a day in a wheelchair and are dependent on one to stay mobile, then you should look into getting an electric model. Electric wheelchairs are easy to navigate and allow you to roam farther without wearing yourself out. Here are some ways an electric wheelchair can benefit you. You Can Stay Independent If you use a manual wheelchair all the time, you'll be dependent on your family in certain situations to maneuver you in tight spaces or when you get tired. [Read More]

Signs That May Indicate That You Have A Spine Disorder

Posted on: 20 September 2017

It is very important to make sure that you are doing everything you can in order get any spine disorder taken care of as soon as possible. Of course, you first have to suspect that the problems that you have been dealing with are in fact the result of a spine disorder. To help you with that, you will want to read through the following signs of trouble with your spine: [Read More]

Do You Have A Sleep Disorder? 3 Signs To Watch For

Posted on: 6 September 2017

While it's not uncommon for people to have difficulty sleeping once in awhile, chronic sleeping issues could signal a more serious problem. Many sleeping disorders can be tied to neurological malfunctions, and proper treatment is required to ensure these sleep disorders don't have a negative effect on your overall health. Here are three signs that you can be watching for when trying to determine if your sleeping problems are signs of a more serious sleep disorder. [Read More]

What Could Your Green Vaginal Discharge Mean?

Posted on: 24 August 2017

When your vaginal discharge begins to take on a green hue, it is completely normal to be a bit worried. The good news is, while there is probably something wrong, chances are good that the problem is a minor condition called trichiomoniasis. This protozoan infection's bark is worse than its bite, and it's not terribly difficult to treat and cure. Here's closer look. What is trichiomoniasis? Colloquially known as "Trich," this condition is caused by a one-celled organism that may take up residence in your vaginal canal. [Read More]