Four Tips For Choosing A New Doctor For Your Family

Posted on: 23 November 2016

Choosing a new doctor or primary care physician for you or your family can be difficult. If you are changing doctors, it could be for many reasons; maybe you are moving to a new area or your old doctor has retired. No matter what the reasoning, choosing someone new to put your trust in and depend on to keep you and your family healthy can be very stressful. There are multiple things to consider during this process. [Read More]

Some Things You Need To Know About Stress Fractures

Posted on: 3 November 2016

If you have a stress fracture in your foot you might be wondering what you should do to care for it. Although stress fractures are a small break in the bone, they can be very painful and you may not even be able to walk at certain times. Here are some things you need to know about stress fractures. What Causes Stress Fractures? There are many different reasons a person could get a stress fracture. [Read More]

The Miraculous Daily Walk

Posted on: 19 October 2016

You live in an age when many people pursue the latest in anti-aging products and consume nearly endless supplements that promise to improve the quality of life. As it turns out, a daily walk may offer as many if not more benefits than many other things you can do. Setting aside just twenty minutes each day for a brisk stroll can bring you a number of benefits. Longevity If you want to live a longer and healthier life, simply putting on your walking shoes and striding somewhere for around twenty minutes can do the trick. [Read More]

Take It Easy After Breast Reconstruction Surgery, But Also Take Time To Start Moving

Posted on: 30 September 2016

Any surgery, but particularly breast reconstruction surgery, can make moving seem like the last thing you want to do. With reconstruction, you're dealing with scars and soreness by your arms and on your chest. Moving your arms and shoulders seems like it would aggravate any pain you have from the surgery. However, exercising after the surgery -- starting with light, doctor-approved exercises and gradually increasing in intensity -- can bring you more benefits than bad feelings. [Read More]